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Library Regulations


The Library Service provide a service to the staff of Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBU HB), GPs and practice staff in the localities covered by the Health Board and students who fall in the categories in Scope (below).
The following Library Regulations apply to all staff, students and any other users of library services. All users are expected to observe them to ensure an effective service and to avoid inconveniencing other users. The regulations apply to all the libraries but special rules, which are displayed locally, may take precedence.
Employees of SBU: Staff  employed by SBUHB are entitled to full library membership, including borrowing and out of hours access, where available. Staff on temporary contracts should make an application to their base library and will be considered on an individual basis.  The Health Board ID card or Student ID card or contract letter should be presented when applying for library membership.
Student members: Students on the Swansea University Graduate Entry Medicine and Physician Associate programme, or placement student from Cardiff University, funded students from other universities or higher education institutions may apply for Library membership.
Anyone applying for library membership must complete a library registration form. Users are required to inform the library of any changes to their personal details, for example, job title, base, email address or telephone number.
Library and access cards are not transferable. Lost cards should be reported without delay; a fee is charged for their replacement.
The Health Board ID card or the borrowers card, as appropriate, should be presented whenever any library material is borrowed, or when requested by a member of library staff.
Signing the Library registration form indicates understanding and acceptance of the Library Service regulations. Breach of the regulations could result in withdrawal of membership. All library user information is stored in strict accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
Other Library users Anyone aged 18 or over may use library material for reference use without charge. Those wishing to use the library for reference purposes must make themselves known to Library staff and will be required to complete a registration form. Admittance is at the discretion of library staff. Reference use is only available during staffed hours and no attempt should be made to enter the libraries out of hours.


Loan entitlements: The maximum number of items which may be on loan to a borrower at any time is 10 items from Libraries across SBU Health Board. Loans are the responsibility of the card holder. Members must not borrow on behalf of others and will be required to pay a replacement charge for any items lost whilst issued on their account.
Loan periods: Items may be borrowed for a period of two or four weeks.
JournalsJournals are not available for borrowing. Photocopying facilities are available at each site.
Reservations: Reservations are allowed on all categories of borrowable material.
Renewals: Items may be renewed in person, by telephone, by email or via the online catalogue if not required by another user. 

Recalls: All recallable library material may be recalled for use by another borrower before the due date.

Reference only items: Some types of library material, including journals and reference works, are designated as not for loan and cannot be taken out of the library.
Library material should not be taken out of the UK except with the permission of library staff.
All stock is security tagged and will trigger alarms if removed without authorisation.
On leaving the Health Board
When a library member ceases to be a student or employee of the Health Board, they must notify the library and the library card surrendered. Any outstanding items must be returned. 


Out of hours access
Registered members may apply for out of hours access. The following methods are used:
  • Access card at Morriston & Singleton Hospital Libraries (which may be used at either site)
  • Fob at Cefn Coed Hospital Library
  • Keycode at Neath Port Talbot Hospital Library
A £10 deposit is required when out of hours access is requested. The receipt is kept with the registration form. When a library member ceases to be a student or employee of the Health Board, the access card or fob must be immediately surrendered and the deposit will be returned if the card is returned in good order and fully functioning.
If a card is lost or damaged the owner must inform the library as soon as possible. The charge for a replacement card is £5.00 to cover the new card and administration.
A record is kept of all persons entering the premises. Cards must not be lent to other individuals. Users must not admit others in to the library when it is not staffed.
Deposits will be held for six months after a library user has left the Health Board. Any deposits which have not been collected after this time will be added to the book budget of the holding library.

Code of conduct

Loss of or damage to library material 
If a book is lost or damaged while in the care of the borrower, they are liable for the cost of replacing the item.  Damage includes underlining, highlighting or writing in books with a permanent marker or pen. Books which have been affected by liquids / staining need to be replaced due to infection control policies. Any existing marks or defects should be pointed out to library staff as soon as possible.
Borrowers who are unable to return a library item must pay for the cost of a replacement copy. A non-returnable administration charge will be made. It is the responsibility of the borrower to return their items securely, either to a locked library return box or to a member of library staff. Items returned by post should have recorded delivery .
Users who fail to return library material when requested to do so will have their borrowing rights suspended. Outstanding debts are notified to the Finance Department.

It is the user's responsibility to ensure that loans are either renewed or returned on time. Due dates can be found on date labels when items have been issued and are always available through the online library catalogue or by contacting the library service.
User behaviour
Considerate behaviour should be observed in all libraries, so that other users may work in an atmosphere conducive to study. Bleeps are permitted in the libraries and telephones are provided for answering bleeps or to contact the ward. Mobile phones may only be used in silent mode; and users are asked to leave the library to hold personal conversations.

The Library Service cannot be held responsible for the loss of any user's personal possessions within any library building. Any personal possessions brought into the libraries should not be left unattended and should not cause obstruction to other users. Vacated seats may not be reserved for more than one hour.

On leaving the library, all books, whether belonging to the library service or not, must be available for checking by library staff as required. Coats, bags and briefcases and any other possessions must be offered for examination, if requested by library staff.
Should a continuous fire alarm sound, you must leave the library immediately.
The Library Service Managers may suspend any user from the use of library services and from library buildings for the infringement of library service regulations or serious misbehaviour. The Library Service is covered by the Health Board Policy for the Management of Violence and Aggression. Any library user who subjects a member of staff or another library user to verbal abuse, threat or assault will be asked to leave and have their library privileges (including borrowing, out of hours access and right to use the library) withdrawn with immediate effect. Any such exclusion shall be reported to the line manager (in the case of staff) and the personal tutor (in the case of students).

Any complaint about Library Services should be raised with the appropriate Library Service Manager responsible for that service. If this cannot resolve the problem, then it should be discussed with the Manager, Medical Director’s Department who will refer to the Health Board Library Committee as appropriate.

Computers and electronic resources

The use of electronic resources must conform to current legislation governing these areas and to the security policies administered by the relevant network.

Computers which provide “open access” to the internet are strictly monitored. Use of any NHS computer within the library to access inappropriate websites places the user in breach of the Health Board internet policy and will result in disciplinary action for employees (or withdrawal of access for non Health Board employees). Storing and/or leaving person identifiable information (patients or staff) on library computers leaves the user in breach of the Data Protection Act and could result in legal action being taken. The downloading or installation of software onto any library computer is strictly forbidden.
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