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Access to UpToDate:

This is a notice to inform you of an important change regarding our evidence-based clinical resources.

Effective August 1st Swansea Bay University Health Board staff and students will no longer have access to UpToDate. This decision was taken after careful consideration due to the significant cost increase in the resource and the withdrawal of external funding of the system. Clinical consultation was undertaken with support given to trial an alternative system, and this is in the process of being procured. In the meantime, all NHS Wales staff and students continue to have access to a number of high-quality evidence-based information resources including BMJ Best Practice.

Any CME points accrued in UpToDate will need to be collected before 31st of July.

If you need any help, using these resources the Library & Knowledge Service continues to offer a literature searching service for staff and training in accessing evidence-based resources.

Any concerns or comments regarding this decision should be made here:

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