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News 1

Sharing HOPE NT award
Image shows the Sharing Hope team on stage and smiling at a photographer.
Image shows the Sharing Hope team on stage and smiling at a photographer.
BH front.JPG

ETR Oakwood.jpg
Image shows a group of people standing 
Image shows a group of people standing 
ETR lab.jpg
Image shows a group of people standing in a laboratory
Image shows a group of people standing in a laboratory

Singleton gardeners.jpg
Image shows two men standing next to a sculpture
Image shows two men standing next to a sculpture

Estates team Morriston.jpg
Image shows a group of men standing in a line
Image shows a group of men standing in a line
Staff Wellbeing Initiative - Biophilic Wales.jpg
Image shows a group of men standing in a line
Image shows a group of men standing in a line
Award winners.png
Image shows the heart failure team on the left and the Cwmtawe Pathway Service project co-ordinator on the right.
Image shows the heart failure team on the left and the Cwmtawe Pathway Service project co-ordinator on the right.
Andrea 2.jpg
A group of people cheering and holding certificates at an awards ceremony
A group of people cheering and holding certificates at an awards ceremony
A woman holding a certificate at an awards event
A woman holding a certificate at an awards event
OPAS Deb Clee phone 2 low res.jpg
Nurse Debra Clee is talking on the phone and making notes.
Nurse Debra Clee is talking on the phone and making notes.

Emergency Nurse Practitioner Debra Clee, of the Older Person's Assessment Service in Morriston Hospital, offers advice to a nursing home, potentially saving a resident an ambulance journey and a trip to the Emergency Department.

By Credit: SBUHB
OPAS Cwtch wide 1 low res copy
Andrew Cromer.jpg
Andrew and Sue
Andrew and Sue

USE MRI group policies wide low res
Diabetes prevention team.jpg
The team stood together outside
The team stood together outside

The diabetes prevention team

Darren Rix now.jpg
A photo of Darren as he looks now
A photo of Darren as he looks now
Darren Rix now
Darren Rix.jpg
A photo of Darren as he previously looked
A photo of Darren as he previously looked
Darren Rix before
Dean Boyce
Dean Boyce

Keith Richards and Rhys Jenkins.jpg
Keith and Rhys stood outside a GP surgery
Keith and Rhys stood outside a GP surgery

Barbara letter from KP cropped.jpeg

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.

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