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Covid-19 booster - Spring/Summer 2025

The Welsh Government has accepted the latest advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which has advised a spring/summer COVID-19 vaccination should be offered to our most vulnerable citizens in 2025.

It is being offered as a precaution so that those who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch coronavirus can keep a high level of immunity.

Who we are offering the vaccine to?

  • Adults aged 75 years and over
  • Residents in a care home for older adults
  • Individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed

When will I receive a vaccine?

The COVID-19 spring/summer programme will run between Tuesday 1st April and Monday 30th June 2025. There will be some limited flexibility into July, for those who are unable to receive a vaccination within the main programme window, due to illness.

How and when will I hear?

You will be sent a letter or text message from the Swansea Bay UHB Immunisation Team with an appointment at a GP surgery, a local community pharmacy or on board our Immbulance.

The appointment being offered is for the Covid-19 spring/summer 2025 booster.

You may hear from us from Monday 17th March onwards, as appointments begin from early April 2025.

But don’t worry if you don’t hear from us straight away, appointments will be given as we work through the eligibility groups. We will be offering the spring booster until the end of June 2025.

There is no need to contact your GP surgery or the health board. If you are eligible, you will be sent an appointment.

How can I cancel or change my appointment?

If you are unable to make your appointment, please refer to your invitation letter and contact the Immunisation Booking Team on 01639 862323.

Further information about the spring/summer 2025 Covid-19 booster programme will be added to this page as and when it becomes available.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.

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