Swansea Bay University Health Board aims to provide the very best care and treatment.
We welcome all your views and want to learn from your experiences, good or bad.
The vast majority of people are happy with the service they receive. Sometimes though, things might not go as well as expected. By telling us about your concerns, we can apologise to you, investigate and try to put things right. We will also learn lessons and improve services.
However, there are some things that we cannot deal with under the arrangements, such as a complaint which was made and investigated under the arrangements that were in place before 1 April 2011.
Previously the health board was unable to deal with complaints regarding private patients. However, this has now been reviewed - further information below.
Complaints or concerns may be made through the medium of Welsh; in person, in writing or by telephone. A complaint or concern made in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than a complaint or concern made in English.
If you feel able to do so, the best place to start is by talking to the staff who were involved with your care and treatment. They can try to sort out your concern immediately.
Via our Let's Talk campaign.
If you wish to report what you think may be poor care while in hospital, or if you want to tell us about great care, you can use our Let's Talk campaign:
For more information about our Lets Talk campaign, go here to view our leaflet.
Your concern will be treated confidentially, and you do not need to give your name or personal details, unless you want a reply.
Telephone: 01639 683363/683316
Text: 07903594520
Email: SBU.Complaints@wales.nhs.uk
Or you can write to:
Abi Harris
Chief Executive
Swansea Bay University Health Board Headquarters
1 Talbot Gateway
Baglan Energy Park
Port Talbot
SA12 7BR
Private patient complaints can be sent to the SBU Complaints inbox (SBU.Complaints@wales.nhs.uk). Alternatively, complainants can be sent direct to the Interim Chief Executive by letter. On receipt the complaint will be reviewed and the appropriate action taken.
The complainant will be informed of the action. This will be confirmed by email or in an acknowledgement letter to the complainant.
If you have a concern about services that you have received from your General Practitioner (GP), dentist, pharmacist or optician you should ask the practice to look into this for you. If you feel you require further advice, you can contact the health board by emailing SBU.Complaints@wales.nhs.uk or calling 01639 683316, where a team will advise you on the next steps.
If you need to raise a concern about an NHS or social care service, you can talk to Llais. Their trained, dedicated complaints advocacy staff will provide you with the free, independent, and confidential support you are entitled to.
They will help you raise your concern and:
Get in touch with your local Llais team on 01639 683490 or e-mail them at nptandswansea.enquiries@llaiscymru.org and one of the team will talk to you about your concern, what sort of help you think you require and if you have any particular needs such as large print materials or access to someone who can sign.
Please note that they do not provide advocacy services directly to children and young people about social care services (children's services). But they can help children and young people with their concerns about NHS care.
We will:
In most cases, we will let you have a final reply within 30 working days of the date when we first received your concern (weekends and bank holidays not included). If we can’t reply to you in that time, we will give you the reasons why and let you know when you can expect a reply.
Some cases might need further investigation under the Redress Arrangements. Redress is a range of actions that can be taken to resolve a concern where the organisation might have been at fault in causing some harm. It can include a written apology and explanation of what happened, an offer of treatment/rehabilitation to help relieve the problem and/or financial compensation.
If Redress may apply to your concern, we will let you know what this means in more detail.
If your concern has been looked at by us and you are still not happy with our response, you can contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
Where a person remains dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation of the Health Board’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards, or a failure on the Health Board’s part to provide a bilingual service, they have the right to contact the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Follow this link to the Ombudsman Wales website.
Phone: 0345 6033 221
E-mail: post@cyg-wlc.wales.
Welsh Language Commissioner
Market Chambers
5–7 St Mary Street
Cardiff CF10 1AT
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right' information documents
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right' audio version (Welsh)
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right" audio version (English)
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right' - British Sign Language video version
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right' easy read leaflet (Welsh)
Follow this link for the 'Putting Things Right' easy read leaflet (English)
Contact number: 111
Follow this link for the NHS Direct Wales website.
Follow this link to the Putting Things Right section of the Welsh Government website.
Contact number: 0844 477 2020
Follow this link for the Welsh section of the Citizens Advice website.
Contact number: 0300 790 0203
Follow this link to the Ombudsman Wales website.
Email: ask@ombudsman-wales.org.uk
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.
We welcome correspondence and telephone calls in Welsh or English. Welsh language correspondence will be replied to in Welsh, and this will not lead to a delay. This page is available in Welsh by clicking ‘Cymraeg’ at the top right of this page.