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Image shows a doctor examining the arm of a young boy.

Paediatric rheumatology is a broad, specialised field and we don’t have a paediatric rheumatologist in Swansea.

In recent years a rheumatology service for children in South West Wales was established based in Cardiff.

Dr Dana Beasley, a general paediatrician in Swansea, acts as link and sees children and young people referred with possible rheumatological issues in the Swansea area. She works closely with the Cardiff team who provide advice, treatment and multidisciplinary team input. The Cardiff team also come to Swansea for joint network clinics four times a year.  

Most patients with rheumatological conditions can be managed as outpatients in the community. Should admission be required this would be on the paediatric ward in Morriston Hospital. We also work closely with our colleagues from the physiotherapy and ophthalmology service in Swansea. 

Go to the Cymru Versus Arthritis website for useful information about a number of conditions including hypermobility and common aches and pains. They also provide booklets about different conditions and treatments.