They left their families behind to start new lives in 2004.
Cyclists taking part in an epic charity bike ride led by Welsh rugby legend Jonathan Davies can do so in style – but they’ll have to move quickly.
Babies are getting a great start in life thanks to a programme developed by an award-winning Swansea Bay team.
A new Sanctuary for Children and Young People in emotional and mental health crisis, intended as an alternative to turning up at emergency departments, has opened in Swansea Bay.
Senior leader in maternity and patient safety to become new interim Chair of Independent Review.
Caring for parents of premature babies, in turn, enables them to be on top form to help their little ones, a grateful mum has stated.
Morriston Hospital is under extreme pressure today, Monday, 24/06/2024, with high numbers of acutely unwell patients needing treatment and beds. As a result, we are at our highest level of escalation – a Business Continuity Incident.
A potentially game-changing breath test that could detect pancreatic cancer at an earlier stage is being trialled in Swansea Bay.
The allure of Swansea Bay has been too strong to resist for an overseas nurse whose role in Morriston Hospital is unique in Wales.
An award-winning team that has helped revolutionise cancer treatments around the world has moved into a purpose-built new home in Swansea.
The service provides books, magazines, puzzles and even radios - as well as someone new to talk to
Having recruited over 500 overseas nurses from 21 countries in the last four years, Swansea Bay prides itself on having a diverse and multi-cultural workforce.
Changes to eye care services will see more patients able to receive their care closer to home rather than going to hospital.
More than a few tears shed at the first PCA presentation event for 2024.
Dr Nistor Becia receives award for outstanding work in health board's response to Ukrainian refugee crisis.
An agricultural project that grows fruit and vegetables is also serving up mental health and wellbeing benefits to its volunteers.
People can get support and advice around managing their pain more quickly thanks to education sessions set up closer to their homes.
I am pleased today to announce the formal publication of the Terms of Reference which have been updated in the light of views from parents and staff, captured during the listening period.
It is a department which saves lives, but now one of Morriston Hospital’s busiest services is also doing its bit to save the planet.
Two rooms set aside for those who have relatives in Morriston Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have had a much-needed makeover.
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.
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