The City Health Cluster is made up of eight GP practices: Brunswick Health Centre, Abertawe Medical Partnership and High Street Surgery, Greenhill Medical Centre and Clase Surgery, Kingsway Surgery, Mountain View Health Centre, Nicholl Street Surgery, SA1 Medical Centre and St David's Surgery and Harbourside Medical Centre.
Together the Cluster provides care for around 54,806 people in the south east and central areas of Swansea.
The Cluster is made up of 14 pharmacies, six opticians, four dental practices and four nursing homes.
The pharmacies within the cluster are: Boots the Chemist (Quadrant), Bonymaen Pharmacy, Overdrake Ltd, Kevin Thomas Pharmacy (St Helens), Tawe Pharmacy, Mountain View Pharmacy, Superdrug Pharmacy, Well Pharmacy (Beacon Centre), Well Pharmacy (Greenhill), Well Pharmacy (High Street), Well Pharmacy (Kingsway), Well Pharmacy (St Helens), Well Pharmacy (Townhill) and Ysgol Street Pharmacy.
The dental practices within the cluster are: Eastside Dental Centre, Russell Street Dental Clinic, Townhill Dental Practice and Willows Dental Practice.
The opticians within the cluster are: Huw Bellamy Opticians, Specsavers Kingsway, Steven Evans Optometrists, The Optic Shop Kingsway, Vision Express (Quadrant) and Boots Opticians (Quadrant).
The Cluster lead is Rhys Jenkins.
Follow this link to read City Health Cluster's annual plan for 2024/25.
Follow this link to read City Health Cluster’s annual delivery report for 2023/2024.
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.
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